The Reunion Manifesto

Video and audio content are the most consumed forms of mass communication.

This is where hundreds of millions of people get their understanding of the way the world works. It’s what they use to create their version of the truth.

And us little old 'content creators' are the ones who make it.

The stories we tell take up residence in people's minds. They have the power to shape individuals’ opinions, priorities, and perception of reality. 

Therefore, media storytellers have power:
To amplify the voices of those who do good for the world
To deliver messages that make humankind feel hopeful and strong.
To deliver beauty, joy and inspiration.
To catalyse social, economic and environmental healing.

But, we also have the power to amplify voices that create fear and exploit vulnerability for clicks. The power to separate citizens from one another, then selling them a solution to a problem we help create. The power to reward negativity, promote superficiality, and call it entertainment. In fact, this is what much of the most popular mainstream storytelling is based on.

At Reunion, we reject this. 

We know that with great power......
Well, you know the rest (because you heard it in a story.)

At Reunion, we chose only stories that uplift and connect.

We treat our time creating work with respect. We treat our decades building skills with respect. We are committed to using these valuable assets to try to make the world a little better; more regenerative; more inspiring.

This approach may not be as lucrative but, deeply, it feels worthwhile. And that's a feeling you can't buy.
So we invite our fellow screen and sound storytellers to realise their sacred and pivotal role in society and do the same.

The choices we make — the stories we decide to tell — matter.
Every story we tell becomes the truth for someone who hears it.
Their beliefs create their actions and set the trajectory of the future of the world.

At this crucial time and turning point, we believe that the world already has more than enough vapid “entertainment” taking up bandwidth. There are endless feedlots of it, take your pick. We want instead to create inspiration, beauty and world-changing action.

So, we only amplify the voices that are leading us in the right direction. We use our power to broadcast only the stories that reconnect us to each other and regenerate nature.
To reunite a divided world.

We invite our fellow storytellers to realise that their work matters. That every day, they are shaping the future.
We invite them to realise this power, stand up straight, and to joyfully step into it. 

That’s what we’re doing. And it feels right.


Nick Maher, Executive Producer
Reunion Media